Good Machine That Process Edible Oil From Sessnm in Tanzania

Good Machine That Process Edible Oil From Sessnm in Tanzania
Made In Edible Oil Refined Mill Machine in Tanzania
  • What is Tanzania’s edible oil sector?
  • Tanzania`s edible oil sector stands at Tshs.676.2 billion ($294 million) with players like Bidco Oil and Soap Ltd, Murzah Oil Mills and Alaska Tanzania. The sector is highly in need of investors to fill the supply gap that currently stands at 320,000 tonnes so as to slash the import bill that amounted to Tshs.191.3 billion (83.19 million) in 2018.
  • Why are edible oilseed crops used in Tanzania?
  • The choice of edible oilseed crops is supported by the fact that Tanzania’s large national demand for edible oil requires imports to meet about 60% of demand [ 1, 11 ]. The demand for imported edible oils is increasing, resulting in about US $ 294 billion of foreign currency reserves being spent annually [ 1, 11, 12 ].
  • How much edible oil does Tanzania import a year?
  • Critical IOA Unit Tanzania imports 320,000 tons of edible oil per year. Tanzania’s annual demand for edible oil stands at 500,000 tons, whereas the country can supply only 180,000 tons, forcing it to import 320,000 tons each year, signaling major opportunities for import substitution (7).
  • Should SMEs invest in edible oils in Tanzania?
  • In particular, the team found that large Tanzanian companies are well positioned to make this investment; investors can source raw materials from local SMEs, which would experience higher productivity from rising demand. In late 2017, the USAID team designed a three-phase feasibility study for the edible oils sector.