Natural Plant Extract Goji Berry Seed Oil in Gabon

Natural Plant Extract Goji Berry Seed Oil in Gabon
  • Why is Gabon’s oil industry on the rise?
  • Gabon’s oil industry is on the rise after facing uncertainty due to price crashes and pandemic disruptions. With renewed interest from investors and regulatory changes, Gabon is making strides towards reaching its ambitious oil production targets. Learn about the key players and strategies driving this resurgence.
  • Why is Gabon redeveloping oil fields?
  • Given Gabon’s background, it is no surprise that much of the country’s upstream efforts are being focused on the redevelopment of mature or marginal oil fields. Prioritizing short-cycle developments generate cash flow at lower cost by utilizing existing discoveries and infrastructure, which can bring production online within a few years.
  • How much oil will Gabonese produce in 2023?
  • In 2019, the Gabonese government had set an ambitious target of 220,000 bpd of crude oil production by 2023. Although that target was missed, production in April stood at 200,000 bpd, up from 180,000 in 2020.
  • Does Gabon have a future?
  • Since production started in the 1950s, the majority of the country’s GDP has been derived from crude oil exports. However, after oil production peaked in 1996, Gabon’s future looked less certain, particularly following the price crash of 2014 and the disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.